Birthdays on the calendar are usually just another day for most people, but it is fun to celebrate a birthday in your own personal way. Sunday marks birthday No. 29 for me and as a Gophers fan and alumni, I wanted to have some fun looking back at the last year of Gophers moments in my life as well as some wishes for the future.
So I decided to pick the Top 5 Gophers Moments/Wishes in the life of Steve Pesek.
1. Moment: If you are familiar with my work on Gold and Gopher, you understand that following hockey is one of my passions. It is also pretty cool to cover a National Championship in any sport, so when the University of Minnesota women’s hockey team took home the title this year at Ridder Arena with yours truly in attendance as a media member it was very memorable. Here is my post game story from the undefeated National Championship season for the ladies of the ice.
2. Wish: They say that it is better to give, than it is to receive. I generally follow that montra myself, but I like a birthday present as much as the next guy. For my first wish I would like a Nick Leddy Chicago Blackhawks “shirsey”. Supporting Gopher hockey players after the hit the pro ranks is a hobby of mine and a young star with a shot at the cup is something to get excited about. If the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup this year, I think Minnesota should make this the student section shirt for next season’s gopher hockey season ticket holders.
3. Moment: Tailgating is a staple of college life and it is just as exciting as an alumni. Stepping on campus on a crisp morning with handfuls of wide-eyed coeds stumbling their way past Al’s Breakfast on their way to TCF Bank Stadium is a sight to be seen. Fans of all ages get enjoy Saturday’s surrounded by great food and friends. I have the luxury of spending the Saturday’s I get to tailgate for games around a great group of friends from college and one serious Gopher-themed RV. If you are around campus this fall come by the RV lot and say hi to me around this beauty before and after games.
4. Wish: As a media member, I get the pleasure of taking in hundreds of sporting events a year. Many times working through the excitement and following the old adage of “no cheering in the press box”. If I could have a wish for the next year of life, it would be to attend one game in every sport the Gophers offer as a fan. Leave the laptop in the car and the voice recorder on mute. No postgame write-ups, no racing from press conference to media room for the sake of getting information out as fast as possible. It is not too often between September and April that I have a day off or a chance to watch a game as a fan and I would very much like that.
5. Moment: Last October, I was approached by GandG editor Frank Bi to write for the Fansided network on Gold and Gopher. As a broadcaster primarily in sports media experience, it had been years since I really followed sports as a writer. I was given the opportunity to do that on this site and it has opened my world up to some great experiences and moments over the last year. I can only hope that this upcoming Fall will be just the same and I can continue to follow my alma mater as a writer. If you’re curious, here is the first article I ever wrote for the site.
As birthdays go, I understand that you don’t always get what you wish for. I am trying to keep my wishes small and my moments plentiful. It means more for me to enjoy the opportunities that are given to me and take advantage of them, by creating memories each day. I will not be blowing candles out on any cake this year or unwrapping any boxes, just planning for the future and hoping that the next birthday on my calendar comes with a smile.
If you are wondering — my shirt size is a men’s medium. Thanks.
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